Welcome to GAAAE



The Greater Austin Association of Asian Engineers (GAAAE) is an organization of engineers and technical professionals of Asian origin. GAAAE is a non-profit organization striving to strengthen the Asian-American relationship, institute a channel of communication between technical organizations within the United States and abroad, lend a helping hand to charitable organizations, provide assistance to engineering students at the Local and National levels, and organize networking events.

Greater Austin Association of Asian Engineers (GAAAE) shall be a non-profit, non-religious, educational, and charitable foundation.

Life Members
$ 0


Create a network of technical professionals of Asian Diaspora living in the US and thereby provide a platform for networking, career advancement, community service, technology exchange and to develop the next generation of scientists and engineers. 


The purpose of GAAAE is to develop and nurture the next generation of engineers and technical professionals. GAAAE is committed to making our communities better places to live. We plan to support the local community events, encourage our team members to volunteer, and donate generously to charities. GAAAE aims to give back to the community by spurring development and economic growth in vibrant economies as well as under-developed regions. GAAAE strives to strengthen the Asian-American relationship. 


  • Provide networking opportunities for professionals, students, and businesses.
  • Provide career guidance and mentoring to members and students
  • Recognize outstanding engineers, students, and entrepreneurs
  • Provide student scholarships
  • Host annual national and local conventions
  • Participate in humanitarian projects
  • Promote Asian-American relationship

Our Committees

The Membership Committee is currently headed by the VP of Strategy who works closely with Chapters and Finance committees to provide advice and counsel on matters of membership enrollment and retention.
The Membership Committee is responsible for:
– Organize enrollment drives.
– Conduct onboarding activities to welcome new Members.
– Educate the new members about the resources and benefits.
– Listening to the members to understand any new opportunities to serve better and helping build consensus in the org to address them.
– Regularly assess and recommend any changes to membership tiers and fees
– Assess the demographics to analyze non-members and recommend ways to attract non-members to join the organization.

VP Technology is heading the Training committee which focusses on the members training, learning and mentoring programs. The primary responsibilities of the committee include:
– Assessing the training, learning, and mentoring needs.
– Identification of relevant trainings and learning workshops
– Selection of the coaches & facilitate the creation of the learning content.
– Conducting of the training programs and workshops.

Sponsorship committee is currently headed by VP Operations and the committee’s primary responsibilities include:
– Build and maintain the Org’s Sponsorship framework.
– Identification of potential Sponsors and organize Sponsorship drives.
– Onboarding of the new Sponsors
– Building and maintaining relationships with the Sponsors

The President and the VP of Finance jointly run the logistics committee. This committee is responsible for:
– Creating and keeping the Org’s Inventory up to date.
– Work with third parties to identify and arrange Venues for various events
– Organize and manage the events for the Organization.


The IT Committee is currently headed by the President of the Org. They are responsible for maintenance of the Org’s website, Social Media Magagement. Event Ticketing, Digital Marketing amd Any IT support that is needed for the Org’s members.

VP of marketing currently heads the Chapters Committee. The primary responsibilities include helping the members establish, operate, and govern the chapters of Organization. The committee also is responsible building and maintaining the framework for the above activities.

Ambassadors committee is currently headed by the Chairman of the Organization. They are responsible for identifying, reaching out and onboarding of Ambassador groups from all 3 categories – Community, Corporate & Academia. The committee organizes events and workshops along with these Ambassador groups and are also their voice in their effort to supporting the Organization.

The Public Relations Committee is currently headed by the Vice Chairman. The committee is responsible for all the Marketing and Public Relations tasks of the Organization. Any external communications verbal, written or otherwise representing the Org is reviewed and approved by this committee. They are also responsible for helping organize various campaigns, events in collaboration with other committees.

The Finance Committee is currently headed by the VP of Finance and is responsible for monitoring the financial health of the organization, setting the budgets, managing all the expenses, and providing advice and counsel to the Org on financial matters. The Finance Committee is responsible for:
– Build and maintain the Budget of the Organization.
– Maintaining proper and accurate records of the funds and ongoing expenses.
– Collection and disbursement of all the funds.
– Provide timely reports on all financial matters of the Org as well as responsible for preparation of accurate, timely, and meaningful financial statements.

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